How Do I Qualify for Channel Island Dog of the Year?
Breed: To qualify you need to have won a Best in Group, Best Puppy in Group, Best Veteran in Group or Best Brace in Group at one of the ten Jersey or Guernsey shows held throughout the year.
Qualifying Shows: Jersey
January Members Show
Winter Championship Show
Spring Championship Show
May Open Show
Summer Championship Show
November Open Show
Qualifying Shows: Guernsey
February Members Show
Spring Open Show
Autumn Open Show
Winter Open Show
Obedience: There are up to eight shows which are qualifiers in Jersey & Guernsey. Eight dogs will be eligible to enter DOTY in each of the following classes:
Beginner, Novice, Class A, Class B & Class C.
A first place in any of the listed classes at qualifying shows earns an automatic place in the DOTY competition.
The other places will be determined by a points system with dogs earning the highest points going forward. Points will be allocated as follows:
1 st – Automatic qualifying place
2 nd – 75 points
3 rd – 50 points
4 th – 25 points
Qualifying Shows: Jersey
Jersey Dog Training June shows, Limit & Open
Jersey Dog Training November shows, Limit & Open
Qualifying Shows: Guernsey
Island Dog Training Club May Limit & Open Show
Island Dog Training Club October Limit & Open Show
Qualifying Shows: Agility
There are four qualifying shows in Jersey. To qualify for DOTY a dog must have had a placed clear round (no faults or time faults) from 1ST – 6th in a standard agility or jumping round at the relevant height. The heights are small, medium, intermediate & large.
Qualifying Shows: Jersey (Run by Agility for Jersey)
March Show
May Weekend July Show
October Show
Qualifying Shows: Guernsey (None currently licenced or authorised)
If you have qualified for Channel Island Dog of the Year you will be sent an invite by the last day of November to enter DOTY.
The competition is held in February of the following year