Registered Club
The Kennel Club of Jersey (the KCJ) registers clubs and societies (clubs) which provide training and/or competitions for particular canine disciplines or activities in Jersey. These clubs must agree to abide by the KCJ Regulations for Registered Status Clubs and must be formed with a committee and membership structure.
If you think you would like to begin the process of applying to register your club with the KCJ the first steps are to collate the information listed below, complete the required paperwork and return this with the current registration fee of £35 to the KCJ. The forms should be completed, preferably in BLOCK letters for clarity.
If, after considering the application, the KCJ Committee decides that it may proceed, a certificate of registration will be provided.
Discipline | Type of Show/Competition | Registered Status Club |
Obedience | Limited | £7.50 |
Open | £10.00 | |
Agility | Limited | £7.50 |
Open | £10.00 | |
Rally | Open | £10.00 |
Canicross | Limited | £7.50 |
Open | £10.00 |
How can payment be made for becoming a Registered Status Club and for annual renewal? By cheque made payable to The Kennel Club of Jersey or by online payment – Sort Code 40-25-34 Account 94288092 Reference Registered Club.
1st January.
Committee will reserve the right to review the number of licences issued to a particular show organiser.
No, the KCJ has never regulated the cost of entry fees. If you require any further information please contact Thank you.